Photo Editing Freeware / Programe gratuite de editare foto

PIXresizer is a tool for quickly generating screen-friendly versions of your images with dramatically reduced file sizes. It is a photo-resizing program that enables you to quickly resize one file or a selection of image files for use on the web and in e-mail.

29 Jul, 2008
Compress your large image files to almost nothing without reducing the physical size with this program. Highly recommended!
29 Jul, 2008
documentCreating Thumbnails using GIMP
TUTORIAL PROVIDED COURTESY OF TEMPLATE DESIGNER - DESIGN AND DETAIL This tutorial will teach you how to make large previews and thumbnails using GIMP 2. It's a free graphics program and can be downloaded here. You should download the help files and install those , too. You'll find the download...
17 Oct, 2008
documentOnline Image Editing
If you don't want to download image editing software, or just want to do a few quickly, sometimes an online image editor is the way to go and fun, too! ...
16 Jan, 2009
documentImage Resizing
Images must be less than 100kb in order to upload them from your storeadmin.  This helps to keep your sites optimized...
13 Jun, 2011
documentHow to Take Professional Looking Pics
I have a few tips on how to take a professional looking picture with a regular "point and shoot" digital camera. 1) Take the picture in direct sunlight in front of a window.   Late morning is the best time - This is when the sun will be the brightest.  You can block the direct...
04 Feb, 2010


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